Crewmen working on the damaged bow of USS Chicago (CA-29) after the Battle of Savo Island on 9 August 1942

U.S. Navy
5711 x 4511 Pixel (9112642 Bytes)
The U.S. Navy heavy cruiser USS Chicago (CA-29) off Guadalcanal the day after the Battle of Savo Island, showing crewmen cutting away damaged plating to enable the ship to get underway. She had been torpedoed at her extreme bow during the night action of 9 August 1942. The view looks forward along her port side, with the No. 1 eight-inch gun turret in the upper right. Note the life rafts hung on the turret side and the destroyers in the distance.
Public domain
Official U.S. Navy photo 80-G-34685 from the U.S. Navy Naval History and Heritage Command
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