County of Schaunberg locator map (1250)

Alphathon /ˈæɫfə.θɒn/ (talk)
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3120 x 2280 Pixel (3743487 Bytes)
A map of the County of Schaunberg/Schaumberg (red) at the time of the Hohenstaufen Emperors (circa 1250).

The highlighted area roughly corresponds with the later Austrian Circle. While this has no meaning at the time shown it is used to give context – without it it is difficult to discern where the county actually lay.

Note that while it uses the same scheme as standard location/locator maps, this map technically does not conform to the standard, as it is not in equirectangular projection. Therefore grid lines for latitude and longitude are also included on the sub-map.
File: own work
Data: Droysens-26.jpg
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