Coopmansi (15536659372)

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Myiopagis olallai coopmansi, from cloud forests of the northern Central Andes in Amalfi- Anorí, Antioquia, looks a bit like females of M. caniceps of southern South America and the Atlantic forest, yet its songs and habitat resemble those of the yellowish M. olallai from Ecuador and C Peru. We described coopmansi recently in a paper published in Zootaxa (pdf). Some (faint) songs are available at xeno-canto. If for some reason this photo reminds you of the "green morph" of M. caniceps in Birds of Northern South America (plate 188, 7), it's because Robin painted that one based on this and other photos of this coopmansi specimen and the 1940 incognita specimen taken by W. H. Phelps.
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