Control tower of the airport in Tuzla 1995

DoD photo by Staff Sgt. Michael J. Boquette, U.S. Air Force.
1012 x 1524 Pixel (150561 Bytes)
U.S. Air Force members of the 4100 Group Provisional, Tanker Airlift Control Element, set up a satellite communication system at the base of the control tower of the airport in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on Dec. 11, 1995. The airmen, as part of the NATO Enabling Force of Operation Joint Endeavor, are setting up operations to bring airfield up to a 24 hour capability. Enabling forces are moving into the Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Slovenia theaters of operation to prepare entry points for the main Implementation Force. The satellite communication system will be used by the operations personnel to keep track of incoming and outgoing aircraft.
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