Commelina fluviatilis Faden et al 96 510 Tanzania

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A photograph of the spathe and inflorescence of Commelina fluviatilis, a semi-aquatic plant from Central Africa. This particular genotype was collected in Tanzania with the collection number Faden 96/510, although the material used for the photograph was grown in the Smithsonian research greenhouses in Suitland, Maryland, USA. The collection is discussed in the Flora of Tropical East Africa (2012): "Plants that were collected from the margins of Chaya Lake in July, 1996 (Faden et al. 96/510) included many that had become stranded in the mud on the receding margins of the lake, during the early part of the dry season. The plant was rooted in the ground, with tuberous roots, and was probably able to withstand total desiccation"
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