Coat of arms of Robert Daniel Conlon

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Coat of arms of the U.S. bishop Robert Daniel Conlon, Bishop of Diocese of Joliet in Illinois.

The left half of the shield displays the arms of the Diocese of Joliet in Illinois.

The right side of the shield displays the personal arms of Bishop Conlon. Across the middle of the shield flows a wavy band of gold, representing both the waters of baptism and the Ohio River, which connects the Bishop's native city of Cincinnati and his see city of Steubenville. Above this is a sleeping lion in gold, evoking the story of the prophet Daniel in the den of lions (Daniel 6:2-25). Below is a golden letter M, for Mary. The Bishop's home parish was St. Mary, Hyde Park, and his first assignment as a priest was to Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, both in Cincinnati. The style and placement of the M reflect the arms of Pope John Paul II, who appointed Bishop Conlon to the Diocese of Steubenville. The color red represents both the law, the Bishop being a doctor of canon law, and courage, the theme of the Bishop's motto.

Surrounding the shield, the green hat with twelve tassels and the pastoral cross are the insignia of a bishop of the Roman Catholic Church. The Bishop's motto: Take courage recalls the words of the angel of God to Daniel (Daniel 10:19) and of Jesus to his disciples at the last supper (John 16:33).


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