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Princess Christina of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (1735-1794)

Duchess Christina (1735-94) was the eldest daughter of Duke Charles I, Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz and sister of Queen Charlotte. Here she is wearing the costume, sash, badge and star of the Russian Order of Saint Catherine. The Order of Saint Catherine was founded by Peter the Great in 1714 in honour of his wife, the Empress Catherine. The Order was only awarded to ladies of the highest distinction in Europe and there were two classes; The Grand Cross, which entitled the bearer to wear a star and badge of the Order, and the Small Cross, which carried the right to wear the badge only. As a Dame of the first class, Duchess Christina wears the sash over their right shoulder – the badge, which would be attached to a bow embroidered with the motto of the order at her waist, is visible by her hip.

The eight-pointed star on her breast was made of silver, set with diamonds, and in the centre was a silver cross on a scarlet enamel background, surrounded by gold letters reading in Russian ‘For Love and For the Fatherland’. Just above it is a portrait miniature of her younger sister w:Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. The work was first recorded in the British Royal Collection at w:Kensington Palace in 1790 and then in the Dining Room at Charlotte's residence of w:Frogmore House in 1819 after her death the previous year. Charlotte may have acquired it in the late 1760s.
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