Chart of exoplanet because 5000th discovery

NASA/JPL-Caltech/SYSTEM Sounds (M. Russo and A. Santaguida)
1367 x 665 Pixel (950408 Bytes)
Each circle indicates an exoplanet.

The circle colour indicates the method of discovery:

o3846 planets discovered by this method = transito

o 913 = radial velocity x

o129 = microlensing l

a58 = imaging g

z48 = timing variations t

c9 = brightness modulation j

r1 = astronomy ,

y1 = disk kinematicsb

= 5005

The diameter of the circles indicates the orbit.

The approximately cross shaped block of colour is an accumulated density of circles.
Public domain
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(c) ESO/Bohn et al., CC BY 4.0
(c) Jason Wang (Caltech)/Christian Marois (NRC Herzberg), CC BY 3.0

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