Carreg Cennen Castle - - 215125

(c) Cered, CC BY-SA 2.0

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Carreg Cennen Castle. The first castle at Carreg Cennen would probably have been built by the Welsh Prince Rhys Ap Gryffydd in the 12th and 13th century. Though there is some evidence of Prehistoric and Roman occupation on the site. One legend suggests that the original fortress at Carreg Cennen dates back to the Dark Ages and the Welsh Knight Urien Rheged and his son Owain. Legend suggests they were knights during the reign of King Arthur. However, the existing remains date back to that period following the conquest of Wales by King Edward the First in the C14th. The initial conquest was followed by an extensive programme of castle building to consolidate his grip on this wild mountainous country. King Edward the first seized Carreg Cennen Castle in 1277 which was granted by the King to John Giffard who built the castle which remains today. The castle was eventually abandoned in 1462 following the Wars of the Roses at which time it was partially demolished by hundreds of men employed specifically to disable its effectiveness as a politically fortification.
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