Carnotaurus DB 2

Original by DiBgd altered by Steveoc 86
1024 x 437 Pixel (132655 Bytes)

Carnotaurus - reconstruction This is an altered version of an image by user DiBgd

• In the original image the legs were probably too straight. Most dinosaur knees, with the exception of sauropods and some stegosaurs, might not have been able to straighten much past ~120 degrees with out dislocating. 'The Extreme Lifestyles and Habits of the Gigantic Tyrannosaurid Superpredators of the Late Cretaceous of North America and Asia' / Gregory S. Paul in Tyrannosaurus Rex, the Tyrant King by Peter Larson and Kenneth Carpenter (2008).
Original by DiBgd
Carnotaurus DB.jpg
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Carnotaurus ist eine Gattung theropoder Dinosaurier aus der Oberkreide Argentiniens. Bisher ist erst eine Art bekannt. .. weiterlesen