Cardiac rhabdomyoma

685 x 512 Pixel (305664 Bytes)


A well-circumscribed tumor in a 3-year-old girl who presented with a heart murmur. There was a single mass in the right ventricle. There was no indication of tuberous sclerosis.
Public domain

PEIR Digital Library (Pathology image database). Image# 410057. Image and description are from the AFIP Atlas of Tumor Pathology.

Declaration of PEIR: «Copyright Information - The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Electronic Fascicles (CD-ROM Version of the Atlas of Tumor Pathology) contains both U.S. Government work and copyrighted materials used with permission of non-Government contributors. U.S. Government works may be used without restriction, but users of the Electronic Fascicle may not lawfully modify, rent, loan, distribute, create derivative works in whole or in part, or electronically transmit the copyrighted images from one computer to another or over a network without first obtaining permission from the copyright owners. All attempts have been made to remove copyrighted images from the PEIR Digital Library. If a copyright-protected image has inadvertently been included, please notify us and it will be removed immediately.»
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