The website from which, this image was uploaded, claims it to be The capture of Ca-Ira by the Royal Navy at the Battle of Cape Noli in 1795
That website appears to have uploaded the image from where it is captioned: HMS Agamennon, on the left, opens fire on Ça Ira, in the center, and Censeur, on the right. It's implied that the second vessel (british unidentified) on the left is the Kingdom of Sicily's Tancredi (1789). Quote: The Agamennon, I do not know why nicknamed "Eggs and Bacon", which was a vessel with only two bridges and with lower guns by number and caliber to the Ira Ira, but together with the Tancredi it kept the French frigate under fire for over two hours centering it several times aft. Then the republican fleet, embarrassed by the maneuvers of Censeur who meanwhile took the Ça Ira semi-destroyed in tow, folded and immediately the allies began to pursue it.
It's unknown where the image comes from, it may be, Le Haute-Dordogne et ses gabariers, Imprimerie de Crauffon, by Eusebé Bombal. Pub 1903. see this website
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Agamemnon (Schiff, 1781)Die Agamemnon, auch HMS Agamemnon, war ein 64-Kanonen-Linienschiff (Zweidecker) 3. Ranges der Ardent-Klasse das Ende der 1770er Jahre für die britische Royal Navy gebaut wurde. Das Schiff versah seinen Dienst während der Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskriege, während der Französischen Revolution und der Napoleonischen Kriege. Es nahm in dieser Zeit an zahlreichen Schlachten teil. .. weiterlesen