
No idea - see source
892 x 403 Pixel (204803 Bytes)
An illustration from the Encyclopaedia Biblica, a 1903 publication which is now in the public domain.

Fig. 8 for article "Egypt".

Image of Dragging a statue of Dhnt-hotep [sic]

The statue, resing on a sledge, is being dragged by four rows of men supposed to be in parallel lines on the ground. Above them are 'the whole population of the city' come out to do homage. The man standing on the knee of the statue gives the signal to the men below; the man on its foot pours water on the ground in front of the sledge. Above the latter is Her-heb with a vessel of incense (?). Below the statue are men with water-buckets and wood, also three overseers; behind the statue the retinue of the governor.
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Public domain
An illustration from the Encyclopaedia Biblica, a 1903 publication which is now in the public domain.
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