Bust of Léonce Verny IMG 0603
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François Léonce Verny' [1] (born December 2, 1937, in Abuenas, Ardèche) is a French naval engineer, came to Japan in the final days of the Tokugawa Shogunate and in 1865 administered the construction of Yokosuka Naval Arsenal. He managed the arsenal from 1866 until the new Meiji government takes over the project. It was his strong will that in many ways led to the eventual completion of Yokosuka Naval Port. Shortly after his return from Japan, Léonce Verny took over the management of the "Roche-la -Molière & Firminy Mines" in January 1877 and was to remain there until September 1895 before becoming a director. He died on May 2, 1908, in Pont-d'Aubenas. In appreciation for his great contribution to the modernization of Japan, the Verny Commemorative Museum [2] and Verny Park [3] are named after him by the City of Yokosuka, and commemorates his memory each year in November.
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Léonce VernyFrançois Léonce Verny war ein französischer Ingenieur, der unter anderem den Bau des Marinearsenals von Yokosuka leitete und eine Reihe von Leuchttürmen zur Sicherung der Schifffahrt baute. .. weiterlesen