Rumänien, Festnahme von Juden

(c) Bundesarchiv, Bild 146-2005-0120 / CC-BY-SA 3.0

Autor/-in unbekanntUnknown author
800 x 545 Pixel (47373 Bytes)
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English (translation of German caption): Romania. Taking into custody of Jews.
Comment: The soldiers here wear German issue helmets. The officer on the left wears a German uniform. The row of three pips on his left collar tab show his rank (untersturmführer, approximately equal to Lieutenant) as an officer of the SS. On his cap the Death's Head symbol can be seen. This appears to be a raid conducted by the SS in Romanian, either with SS troops, or with Romanian police or army forces equipped by the SS. This image and the others in the sequence show a war crime in progress.
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