Buckland, Megalosaurus jaw

Mary Morland (later Buckland; 1797–1857)
2945 x 1682 Pixel (2010241 Bytes)

Historical engraving of the lectotype dentary, Oxford University Museum of Natural Histroy (OUMNH) J.13505, of Megalosaurus bucklandii Mantell, 1827 from the middle Bathonian Stonesfield Slate of Oxfordshire, England. These figures were published together with the first detailed description of the Megalosaurus bucklandii type material by William Buckland in 1824, who, however, did not coin a specific Linnean binomen for it but only used the name Megalosaurus (hence Buckland is only regarded the authority of the genus name, not of the specific binomen Megalosaurus bucklandii).
The caption below the figures reads “Anterior extremity of the right lower jaw of the Megalosaurus. From Stonesfield, near Oxford.
The original explanation of the plate reads “PLATE XL. No. 1. Inside view of the anterior portion of the lower jaw of the Megalosaurus on the right side. This drawing is of the actual size of the specimen. No 2. Transverse section of No. 1, showing the manner in which the tooth is lodged in the lower jaw.[1]

  1. digital copy of the explanation at Biodiversity Heritage Library
Public domain
Plate 40 (XL) of William Buckland: Notice on the Megalosaurus or great Fossil Lizard of Stonesfield. Transactions of the Geological Society of London. Series 2, vol. 1, no. 2, 1824, S. 390–396 (digital copy at geolsoc.org.uk).
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