British Library MS Royal 17 B xliii Folio 134r

Autor/-in unbekanntUnknown author
1358 x 1828 Pixel (5125586 Bytes)

Folio 134r of MS Royal 17 B xliii at British Library, showing an excerpt of a 15th-century Middle English prose text of The Vision of William of Stranton. The shown text continues the sentence And þerfore haue þow in thi mynde þe passion of owre lord Jhesu (the transcription has been taken from p. 80 of the cited source):

Crist, and sai þi praier and thei shul voide and be knowe
to the such as thei be. And afterward þou shalt see and
here more grisly sightes and evel spirites of the which
þou shalt be sore adradde; but haue in mynd, as y said þe,
of owre lordes possion and þai shal do the none harm.

Public domain
Scanned from plate facing p. 76 out of Robert Easting: St Patrick's Purgatory, Oxford University Press, 1991, ISBN 0-19-722300-1.
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