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Settlement of the Déisi and Uí Liatháin in Britain

Kuno Meyer's articles,

The Expulsion of the Dessi and Early Relations Between Gael and Brython, as qualified by Mollie Miller's Date-Guessing and Dyfed (1977) and Bruce Coplestone-Crow's The Dual Nature of Irish Colonization of Dyfed in the Dark Ages (1981), both published in Studia Celtica; and also other scholarly works such as Lloyd's History of Wales, Vol I. Placement of stones according to Samuel Ferguson's Ogham Inscriptions in Ireland, Wales, and Scotland; several articles by John Rhys; the Celtic Inscribed Stones Project website (2009-10-30); K. Jongeling's Latin Inscriptions from Wales website (2009-10-30). Placement locations were checked against Google maps.
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