Brevispirifer gregarius fossil brachiopod in silicified fossiliferous limestone (Jeffersonville Limestone, Middle Devonian; Falls of the Ohio, southern Indiana, USA) (15403567497)

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Brevispirifer gregarius (Clapp, 1857) fossil brachiopod in silicified fossiliferous limestone in the Devonian of Indiana, USA (field of view ~4.3 cm across).

Exceedingly fossiliferous rocks of the Jeffersonville Limestone are well exposed at the famous Falls of the Ohio outcrop (Indiana side of the Ohio River at Louisville). These Middle Devonian rocks have abundant colonial and solitary corals (tabulates and rugosans), plus other typical Paleozoic shallow carbonate seafloor invertebrates (e.g., brachiopods, bryozoans, crinoids). The fossil at the center of this photo is a Brevispirifer gregarius brachiopod (Animalia, Brachiopod, Articulata, Spiriferida), which is especially abundant in certain intervals of the Jeffersonville Limestone. The shells and skeletons in this limestone sample have been silicified (replaced by quartz/silica - SiO2). The silicified fossils are more resistant to weathering than the limestone host rock. Upon weathering and erosion, the fossils stand out in relief.

Stratigraphy: Brevispirifer gregarius zone, Jeffersonville Limestone, lower Middle Devonian

Locality: northern shore of the Ohio River, across from the city of Louisville, west of the Falls of the Ohio rapids, southern margin of Clark County, southern Indiana, USA (vicinity of 38° 16' 42.32" North, 85° 45' 57.79" West)
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