"Elizabeth Sophia, Margravine of Brandenburg (1589-1629)"

Brandenburg Court miniaturist
299 x 388 Pixel (20979 Bytes)
Porträt der Elisabeth Sophie von Brandenburg (1589-1629), Tochter von Johann Georg. "This is one of a series of nine miniatures painted in oil on eight pieces of card (420463-420470) representing John George, Elector of Brandenburg, two of his three wives and six of his children by his third wife, Elizabeth. The paraph at the end of the inscription in each case has been interpreted as a punctuation mark rather than a monogram and the group remains unattributed. The hand is, however, the same as that of the miniaturist who painted a large number of similar miniatures formerly in the Herzoglisches Museum, Gotha (current location unknown). The Herzoglisches group were distinguished by the same prefix 'V.G.G.' before the inscription describing the sitter in each case. The miniaturist is believed to have been working at the court of John George, Elector of Brandenburg, c. 1593. The group were not part of the Hanoverian additions to the Royal Collection, but were acquired in the nineteenth century, from a dealer in antique linens who travelled extensively in Europe and found them hidden in some of his merchandise, ostensibly secreted there during the French Revolution. Elizabeth Sophia, daughter of John George, Elector of Brandenburg and his third wife, Elizabeth, married first Janusius I, Duke of Radzivil-Birze and secondly in 1628, Julius Henry, Duke of Saxe Lauenburg. Inscribed at the top in gold: V.G.G. FREWELEIN ELISABET SOPHIA MARGGREFFIN ZU BRANDENBURG." [1]
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