Black Watch (Old Campbell) tartan, tileable

SMcCandlish, made with the old Windows program Textile32
832 x 832 Pixel (2992 Bytes)
The tartan of the 42nd Regiment of Foot, Earl of Crawford's Highland Regiment, later renamed the Black Watch. Originally called "the 42nd sett", it probably dates to 1749, when the regiment was renumbered from 43rd to 42nd. This sett is also known as "Government", and officially designated "Government 1" by the British military. It was also adopted by Clan Campbell, and is known as "old Campbell" or "ancient Campbell". Other names for it include "Grant hunting" and "Munro hunting". It is the basis of many later and regimental and clan tartans. A lightened version of it was used by Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders. This image is exactly full-sett, and can tile horizontally and vertically. Scottish Register of Tartans notes on this pattern: "In 1725, General George Wade, the commander of British forces in North Britain authorised the formation of six Independent Companies of troops to police the Highlanders. The companies were known locally as the 'Black Watch', in 1739 they were consolidated to form the 43rd (later 42nd) Regiment at which time this tartan is thought to have been designed. The Cockburn Collection (1810-15) includes four specimens of the Government tartan labelled; 'Campbell Argyll', 'Grant', 'Munro' and 'Sutherland'." This is a usual, mirroring tartan. SRT-provided thread count (in "/" notation, and rendered with the dark blue adjusted enough to see the black on it): /B44 K4 B4 K4 B4 K32 G32 K4 G32 K32 B32 K4 B4/ (or in boldfacing notation: B44 K4 B4 K4 B4 K32 G32 K4 G32 K32 B32 K4 B4).
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