Black Tor Blowing House - - 233421

(c) Brett Sutherland, CC BY-SA 2.0

640 x 480 Pixel (215178 Bytes)
Black Tor Blowing House. The remains of a Blowing House on the East bank of the River Meavy. Situated just below Black Tor, this building was used to smelt tin from its ore. It probably dates from the 13th century and would have had a water wheel powering a set of bellows. The bellows provided a draught to heat a furnace packed with charcoal and crushed cassiterite (tin oxide) which was dug up from the surrounding valley. This example is unique in that it has the door lintel still in situ.
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(c) Nigel Cox, CC BY-SA 2.0
(c) Chris Downer, CC BY-SA 2.0

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