Biro My Version of the Story Image 38
size of the original photograph is 5,5 x 4,0 cm.) Sixty-eight percent of Budapest Jews, aged 20-40, serving in labor service died during the war. My father deserted his unit in Trasnssylvania and ran over to the Soviet Side of the front. /A Soviet soldier shot an alarm shot that hit father. The bullet went through his thigh. Father was hospitalized in a village named Külhalom, whence he escaped with the help of the hospital director who said: "You will soon be released from hospital. I ought to hand you over to the gendarmarie and then you are to testify that you were not a soldier and then you will be released. But....if you want to escape, I give you some money for the train." (OHA)/ Father first went to Brassó and then to Bucharest, where he received help from the JOINT. Before returning to
Hungary, he lived for several months in Bucharest.Relevante Bilder
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Endre BíróEndre Bíró war ein ungarischer Biochemiker, dessen Forschungsergebnisse in der Biochemie der Muskel- und Muskelkontraktion internationale Anerkennung fanden. Sein voller Name ist Miklós Endre Bíró, übersetzt ins Englische als Nicholas Andrew Bíró, daher wird er in seinen Veröffentlichungen auf Englisch als N. A. Bíró bezeichnet. .. weiterlesen