Billy Graham in het Feyenoord stadion

Polygoon Hollands Nieuws
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From all parts of the country and even from Belgium, thousands upon thousands of people converged on Rotterdam to attend an evangelization evening led by American preacher Billy Graham in the Feyenoord Stadium. Among some sixty thousand listeners, a choir of six thousand men and women singers opens the evening with song. ["Jesus your Saviour?", singing] The speech of the American evangelist is interpreted line for line by brigadier Nijman of the Salvation Army. Graham: "If you failed to live as good as Christ, you have come short, and are a sinner." As in America, England, France and Germany, Billy Graham concludes with an invitation to his audience to choose Christ. After a few moments of reflection, they leave their seats everywhere in the pavilion to approach his stage. Finally, there were five thousand who responded to his call. [Singing]
Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid / NOS
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Billy Graham

William Franklin „Billy“ Graham, KBE war ein US-amerikanischer Baptistenpastor und Erweckungsprediger des Evangelikalismus. Er wird in den Vereinigten Staaten nicht nur von konservativen Theologen als einer der einflussreichsten christlichen Prediger des 20. Jahrhunderts bezeichnet. .. weiterlesen