
Geovane Alves de Souza, Marina Bento Soares, Luiz Carlos Weinschütz, Everton Wilner, Ricardo Tadeu Lopes, Olga Maria Oliveira de Araújo & Alexander Wilhelm Armin Kellner
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Interpretative line drawing of Berthasaura leopoldinae gen. et sp. nov., holotype (MN 7821-V), and photographs. (a) Line drawing reconstruction; (b) Intercetrum and axis in cranioventral views; (c) 4th cervical vertebrae in lateral view; (d) First trunk centrum in lateral view; (e) 8th trunk centrum in lateral view; (f) last sacral vertebrae in caudal view; (g) right scapula in medial view; (h) left coracoid in lateral view; (i, j) left humerus in cranial and lateral views, respectively; (k, l) left ulna in lateral and cranial views, respectively; (m) left radius in cranial view; (n) manual ungual in lateral view; (o) manual phalanges II (in dorsal view) and III (in lateral view); (p) left ilium in lateral view; (q) left ilium in ventral view; (r) pubes and ischia; (s, t) left femur in cranial and medial views, respectively; (u) left fibula in medial view; (v) right fibula in lateral view; (w) pedal ungual in lateral view; (x) left pedal phalanx III-1 in lateral view. Abbreviations: Ac, Acetabular margin; Af, Acromion fragment; Aic, Axial intercentrum; Cf, Coracoid foramen; Cg, Colateral vascular groove; Clfl, Fossa for attachment of M. Caudofemoralis longus; Cn, Caudal notch; Cp, Colateral pit; Ctr, Cranial trochanter; Cuf, Cuppedicus fossa; Cvp, Caudoventral process; Dp, Diapophysis; Dpc, Deltopectoral crest; Epi, Epipophysis; F, Flange; Ft, Fourth trochanter; G, Glenoid; Gt, Greater trochanter; Ic, Iliac contact; Ifs, scar for M. iliofibularis; Isc, Ischial contact; Lbs, Lateral brevis shelf; Lis, Left ischium; Lp, Left pubis; Lvf, Lateroventral flange; Mf, Medial fossa; Clfl, Fossa for M. caudofemoralis longus; Ncs, Neurocentral suture; Ns, Neural spine; Od, Odontoid process; Ax, Axial centrum; Of, Obturator foramen; Ol, Oleacron; Opl, Obturator plate; Opr, Obturator process; Pc, Pubic contact; Pf, Pneumatic foramina; Podl, Postzygodiapophyseal lamina; Posf, Post spinal fossa; Poz, Postzygapophysis; Pp, Parapophysis; Pup, Pubic peduncle; Rc, Radial condyle; Ris, Right ischium; Rp, Right pubis; Sac, Supraacetabular crest; Scs, Scapular shaft; Ts, Trochanteric shelf; Uc, Ulnar condyle. Line drawing by G.A.S.
The first edentulous ceratosaur from South America Scientific Reports volume 11, Article number: 22281 (2021)
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