Belgian Sailors at a Skegness Training Camp- Belgian Naval Training at Butlin's, Skegness, Lincolnshire, England, UK, 1945 D24877

Ministry of Information Photo Division Photographer
761 x 800 Pixel (57698 Bytes)
Belgian Sailors at a Skegness Training Camp- Belgian Naval Training at Butlin's, Skegness, Lincolnshire, England, UK, 1945
Belgian sailors take part in gun drill at HMS ROYAL ARTHUR in Skegness. The training camp was once the Butlin's holiday camp, and the drill is taking place on what was once the skating rink. The men are drilling with their bayonets fixed to their rifles.
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This photograph was scanned and released by the Imperial War Museum on the IWM Non Commercial Licence. The image was catalogued by the IWM as created for the Ministry of Information, which was dissolved in 1946. Consequently the image and faithful reproductions are considered Crown Copyright, now expired as the photograph was taken prior to 1 June 1957.
Public domain
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