
Joseph Dinkel
2430 x 4379 Pixel (6135410 Bytes)

Becklespinax altispinax holotype BMNH R1828 (originally assigned to Megalosaurus bucklandii). Owen's description follows:

Three anterior dorsal vertebræ : p, parapophysis, or lower transverse process: t, accessory tubercle contributing some attachment to the head of the rib : d, diapophyses, or upper transverse process, fractured, which gave attachment to the tubercle of the rib: b, oblique buttress extending from the parapophysis to the diapophysis, and contributing to the support of the neural platform : z, the prozygapophysis, z', the zygapophysis, forming the ends of the neural platform and articulating the neural arches of the vertebræ with each other, ns, the neural spine of the foremost of these vertebras, ns', the neural spine of the second vertebra; it expands at its extremity, overhangs the anterior shorter spine, and developes a strong bony plate from its back part which fixes it to n", the similarly developed and modified spine of the third vertebra.

The extraordinary size and strength of the spines of these anterior dorsal vertebræ, indicate the great force with which the head and jaws of the Megalosaurus must have been used.

From the Wealden, near Battle. In the Museum of Samuel H. Beckles, Esq., F.G.S.
Public domain
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