Baruch Goldstein tomb

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Tombstone of Baruch Goldstein, Meir Kahane Tourist Park, Kiryat Arba, Palestinian Occupied Territories.

Gravestone text (Hebrew Jewish acronyms are translated with dashes separating the words):

The Holy
The physician Mr. Barukh Kappel Goldstein
Blessed-be-his-holy-and-righteous-memory, May-the-L-rd-avenge-his-blood
Son of Mr. Israel, who-in-contrast-is-still-alive-and should-continue-to-a-long-and-good-life-Amen Seventh generation of the Old Rebbe "Master of the Tanya"
Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi

Gave his life for the nation of Israel, its Torah and its land
"Clean of hands and pure of heart"

Born 5th of Tevet, 5717
Martyred sanctifying the Lord
14th of Adar, Purim 5754

Public domain
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