Barnes Ice Cap, Baffin Island, Canada

Jesse Allen and Robert Simmon
2243 x 4000 Pixel (4766679 Bytes)
Natural-colour image of the Barnes Ice Cap, a bowling-pin-shaped glacier on Canada’s Baffin Island. The image shows a portion of the Barnes Ice Cap near its south-eastern end. Gee Lake sits immediately off the glacier. Resembling growth lines on a clamshell, striations run roughly east-west on the glacier surface. Rather than appearing pristine white, the ice and snow is banded with dust layers spanning time periods that dwarf a human life. By studying ice cores containing such dust layers, climatologists can find clues to ancient climates. Ted Scambos of the National Snow and Ice Data Center observes that although the ice cap is essentially flat, it appears to undulate, thanks to ridges cut by melt streams running off the glacier. In this summertime shot, the glacier is mostly snow-free except for a band of snow along the edge near Gee Lake. As winter returns, snow will once again cover the glacier, the surrounding land, and the lake.
Public domain
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Als Barnes Ice Cap oder Barnes-Eiskappe wird eine Eiskappe im Nordosten Kanadas auf Baffin Island bezeichnet. Sie umfasst eine Fläche von 6000 km², doch verliert sie seit einiger Zeit beschleunigt an Höhe. Bei der Barnes-Eiskappe handelt es sich um eines der ältesten bis mehr als 20.000 Jahre alten Eisrelikte der letzten Kaltzeit und zugleich ist es eines der zehn größten Kanadas. .. weiterlesen