Bagas Godang Panyabungan Tonga (Batak Mandailing House) (01)

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Bagas Godang Panyabungan Tonga is a traditional house of the Mandailings, one of the indigenous tribes of North Sumatra, and is often grouped as one of the ethnic groups of the Batak Tribe. This building is located at Panyabungan Tonga Village which is only about 1 kilometer from downtown Panyabungan, the capital of Mandailing Natal Regency. It is said that once upon a time, Bagas Godang was the residence of the Panyabungan kings whose surname was Nasution. In front of Bagas Godang, there are cannons and also Gordang Sambilan, which is a traditional Mandaling instrument that resembles a drum, totaling nine pieces. Currently, Bagas Godang Panyabungan Tonga is an important site for the development of the history and civilization of the Nasution and the Mandailings in general.
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