BLM 2014 Making a Difference Award Winners (14115502119)

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Dr. Jack Hailman (Outstanding Achievement), Jupiter Inlet Outstanding Natural Area, Florida.

On May 29, 2014, the Bureau of Land Management presented its prestigious “Making a Difference” National Volunteer Awards for outstanding volunteer service or volunteer leadership in 2013 on BLM-managed lands. The award was presented to recipients at a recognition event held via live video conference hosted at the BLM’s headquarters in Washington, D.C. and connected to seven states around the country.

The annual “Making a Difference” Award recognizes exceptional volunteers who have contributed thousands of hours improving the public lands. Their work ranges from trail repairs, providing environmental education and visitor services to monitoring and habitat restoration.

Read more about the awards:

Pictured here: Dr. Jack Hailman (Outstanding Achievement), Jupiter Inlet Outstanding Natural Area, Florida
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Jack Parker Hailman

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