Bünsowska villan (the Bünsow villa) situated at the small lake Bünsowska tjärn, Sundsvall, Sweden. 19th century

Autor/-in unbekanntUnknown author
420 x 325 Pixel (57527 Bytes)
Bünsowska villan vid Bünsowska tjärn, Sundsvall. I förgrunden gamla kyrkogården (nu borta).
Public domain
http://minnen.sundsvall.se/veckansbildarkiv/veckansbildvecka242009.5.2690a01e12131bfd9ab80003435.html which claims their source is "Rieck-Müllers samling, kommunarkivet" (the Rieck-Müller collection, in the Sundsvall municipality collections). The villa was destroyed in the great fire of Sundsvall, 1888, so the photograph is older than that.
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