Aviators performs medevac training, military working dogs climb to new heights 150724-A-AB123-004

Ardian Nrecaj
5472 x 3648 Pixel (8449968 Bytes)
Army Staff Sgt. Lex, a Military Working Dog Handler, assigned to the 525th Military Working Dog Detachment, out of Wiesbaden Germany, prepare for medical hoist training on Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo, July 23, 2015. Staff Sgt. Lex, a military working dog from the 525th Military Working Dog Detachment out of Wiesbaden, Germany, currently assigned to Multinational Battle Group-East, stands ready to being a medical hoist training event, July 23, 2015, at Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo. During the training, Lex was hoisted more than 75 feet into the air by a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter, operated by F Company, 5th Battalion, 159th Aviation Regiment, out of Clearwater, Fla. The training was held to familiarize the flight crews, military working dogs and handlers with air medical evacuation procedures. (U.S. Army photo by Ardian Nrecaj, Multinational Battle Group-East)
Unit: Multinational Battle Group - East (KFOR)
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