Avantipura Avantiswami Temple 11

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Avantipur is located 28 km south-east of Srinagar in Pulwama district facing the Jhelum river. The city was founded by Avantivarman (855 AD – 883 AD), the first king of the Utpala dynasty. At Avantipura itself, Avantivarman erected two magnificent temples, one dedicated to Lord Vishnu called Avantisvamin and the other to Shiva called Avantisvara. By the 14th century, Kashmir had come under Muslim rule. During the medieval period, these temples witnessed massive destruction due to Muslim conquest and became ruins.
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Awantipora oder Awantipur ist eine etwa 13.000 Einwohner zählende Stadt im indischen Unionsterritorium Jammu und Kashmir. .. weiterlesen