Astrobotic's CubeRover (KSC-20220630-PH-GEB01 0184)
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Astrobotic’s CubeRover – a lightweight, modular planetary rover – undergoes mobility testing inside the Granular Mechanics and Regolith Operations (GMRO) Laboratory’s regolith pit at NASA Kennedy Space Center’s Swamp Works facility on June 30, 2022. Astrobotic – a Pittsburgh-based space robotics company – is using the GMRO lab’s regolith bin, which holds approximately 120 tons of lunar regolith simulant, to depict how the company’s CubeRover would perform on the Moon. NASA’s Small Business Innovation Research program provided the funding for initial development, and a $2 million Tipping Point award from the agency has provided additional funding for continued development into a more mature rover.
Public domain
Diese Mediendatei wurde vom Kennedy Space Center der US-amerikanischen National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) unter der Datei-ID KSC-20220630-PH-GEB01_0184 kategorisiert.
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