Ascaris infection in X-ray image- Pica, the practice of eating soil (South Africa) (16424840111)

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The practice of eating soil (called pica or geophagy*) is not uncommon amongst children and pregnant women. The women do it on purpose. Obviously if you're going to eat soil you're going to eat whatever ova are in the soil and makes ascariasis a high probability.

The soil particles show up as white on this plain Xray which is done with a "Barium meal": An X-ray technique where the patient swallows a metallic-based fluid (Barium is the metal) which shows up as white on an X-ray film. The radiologist can watch what happens as this fluid is swallowed and as it goes on down through the stomach and small intestine.

Photo by Larry Hadley, South Africa <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

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The Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) is a network formed by organisations active in the field of sustainable sanitation.

The secretariat is currently located at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ, German Agency for International Cooperation) in Eschborn, Germany.

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Mit Erdeessen, griechisch Geophagie, wird das Phänomen bezeichnet, bestimmte Erdsorten zu essen, das bei Tieren und vereinzelt auch beim Menschen beobachtet wurde, historisch insbesondere in Notzeiten. Hierbei wird dann gelegentlich von „essbaren Erden“ gesprochen. In der Pathologie wird dieses Verhalten auch als Pica-Syndrom bezeichnet. In der Alternativmedizin wird heutzutage noch etwa Heilerde sowie Ähnliches angewandt. .. weiterlesen