Art Academy of Cincinnati, 12th Street and Jackson Street, Over-the-Rhine, Cincinnati, OH (28225635568)
2448 x 3264 Pixel (2591397 Bytes)
This historic Industrial building, constructed in 1923 in Cincinnati's Over-the-Rhine neighborhood is located on Jackson Street and is home to the Art Academy of Cincinnati. The Art Academy of Cincinnati was founded in 1869 as part of the University of Cincinnati, but was for over a century was associated with the Cincinnati Art Museum, with the academy occupying a wing of the Art Museum facility in Eden Park starting in 1887. However, the school separated from the Art Museum in 1998, and moved to this location in 2005 as an independent art school, and has been key in the revitalization of the neighborhood. Today, the art academy is a major anchor to the lower Vine Street Corridor within the neighborhood, and has brought a lot of activity and vitality back to the surrounding area through its presence, with nearby buildings being built and redeveloped as a result of its presence.
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Art Academy of Cincinnati
Die Art Academy of Cincinnati, Abkürzung AAC, ist eine private Kunsthochschule in Cincinnati, Ohio, Vereinigte Staaten. Sie ist akkreditiert bei der National Association of Schools of Art and Design. 1869 wurde sie als McMicken School of Drawing and Design gegründet und 1871 als Fakultät in die University of Cincinnati integriert. 1887 wurde sie eine von der Universität unabhängige Kunstakademie. Als Museumsschule war sie bis 1998 an das Cincinnati Art Museum angekoppelt. Seit 2005 hat sie einen neuen Standort im Stadtteil Over-the-Rhine.
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