Philip Guston working on mural

Sol Libsohn
4135 x 3385 Pixel (7905879 Bytes)
Philip Guston working on a mural with a group of children looking on.
Identification on verso (handwritten and stamped): Negative No.: 5077-3; Photographer: Libsohn; Date: 8/21/40; Title: Philip Guston working on mural; Location: Queensbridge Comm. House.
Public domain
[Philip Guston], 1940 Aug. 21 / Sol Libsohn, photographer. Photographic print : 1 item : b&w ; 20 x 26 cm. Federal Art Project, Photographic Division collection, circa 1920-1965, bulk 1935-1942. Archives of American Art.
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Philip Guston

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