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[Illustrations from volume 4 of The North American Indian] : The Apsaroke, or Crows. The Hidatsa

SUMMARY Description by Edward S. Curtis: The oath (Apsaroke) - Hide stretching (Apsaroke) - Hide scraping (Apsaroke) - Packhorse (Apsaroke) - Hunts To Die (Apsaroke) - Fog in the morning (Apsaroke) - An Apsaroke lodge - Apsaroke horse trappings - Apsaroke woman - Apsaroke mother - A young horsewoman - Playmates (Apsaroke) - Bird On The Ground (Apsaroke) - Does Everything (Apsaroke) - A burial platform (Apsaroke) - Scaffold burial (Apsaroke) - The winter camp (Apsaroke) - In the cañon (Apsaroke) - Apsaroke youths - A baby Apsaroke - Sisters (Apsaroke) - Medicine tripod (Apsaroke) - Sweat-lodge (Apsaroke) - Medicine lodge (Apsaroke) - Hunts The Enemy (Apsaroke) - Tobacco ceremonial lodge (Apsaroke) - Tobacco ceremony (Apsaroke) - Apsaroke maiden - Flathead woman (Apsaroke) - The eagle medicine-man (Apsaroke) - The sun dancer (Apsaroke) - "For strength and visions" - The sun dance votary (Apsaroke) - On Top (Apsaroke) - The scout (Apsaroke) - Old Dog (Apsaroke) - Big Ox (Apsaroke) - The lookout (Apsaroke) - Apsaroke camp - Hairy Moccasins (Apsaroke) - Goes Ahead (Apsaroke) - Moving (Apsaroke) - Bull Goes Hunting (Apsaroke) - Approaching winter (Apsaroke) - Spotted Jack-Rabbit (Apsaroke) - The parade (Apsaroke) - Winter hunters (Apsaroke) - A winter day (Apsaroke) - "The chief had a beautiful daughter" - Two Leggings Lodge (Apsaroke) - Site of abandoned Hidatsa village - Sitting Owl (Hidatsa) - Lean Wolf (Hidatsa) - The eagle-catcher - Hidatsa man - Hidatsa bull-boat - Hidatsa mother - White Duck (Hidatsa) - Hidatsa woman - Incense over a medicine bundle (Hidatsa) - Long-time Dog (Hidatsa) - "He perceived an earthen vessel" - Rabbit-Head (Hidatsa) - Holds The Eagle (Hidatsa) - "Crying to the spirits" - In the forest - Mother and child (Apsaroke) - The mythic stone (Hidatsa) - Home of the water-monster - The mythic tree - Bull Tongue (Apsaroke) - Skins Wolf (Apsaroke) - Young Hairy Wolf (Apsaroke) - Good Bear (Hidatsa)

NOTES 1 v. (xii, 244 p. : 75 plates of photogravures in brown ink ; 33 x 25 cm.) + 1 portfolio (36 plates of photogravures in brown ink).

Original photogravures produced in Boston by John Andrew & Son from 1905-1908.

Seattle : E.S. Curtis, 1909.

SUBJECTS Crow Indians. Hidatsa Indians. Great Plains North Dakota Montana

OBJECT TYPE Collection Image

Photomechanical print
Public domain
Northwestern University. Library., Evanston, Ill.
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Die Crow, in ihrer Sprache Apsáalooke bzw. Absarokee oder Absaroka, sind ein Volksstamm der Indianer Nordamerikas, deren Vorfahren zusammen mit den sprachlich und kulturell verwandten Hidatsa einst im Gebiet der westlichen Großen Seen lebten, bevor sie Mitte des 15. Jahrhunderts westwärts zogen; zwischen 1600 und 1700 ließen sich die späteren Hidatsa als halbsesshafte Ackerbauern in North Dakota nieder, während die späteren Apsáalooke / Absarokee als nomadische Jäger und Sammler westwärts auf die Nördlichen Plains im Gebiet des Yellowstone Rivers, Powder Rivers sowie des Upper Missouri Rivers im heutigen Wyoming, Montana sowie North Dakota zogen. .. weiterlesen