Apocryptovirus veae040f4

Purav Gupta, Aiden Hiller, Jawad Chowdhury, Declan Lim, Dillon Yee Lim, Jeroen P. J. Saeij, Artem Babaian, Felipe Rodriguez, Luke Pereira, Alejandro Morales-Tapia
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Apocryptovirus RdRp phylogeny and genome maps. Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree (IQ-TREE, 2.1.4 & ggtree, 3.10.0) and contigs 1 and 2 for the twenty proposed species of genus Apocryptovirus estimated based on RdRp palm (motifs F-E) and thumb subdomains, with an outgroup of representative Apocrypto-like viruses.
Inlay shows the placement of genus Apocryptovirus within Narnaviridae. Novel viruses are named and GenBank viruses have accessions (UIW13887 is „Rhizoctonia solani narnavirus 16“ ). Scale bars represent amino acid substitutions per site, and square symbols denote bootstrap confidence. For each Apocryptovirus sp., the source sequencing library taxonomic label (silhouettes), and co-occurring Apicomplexa-categorized reads. Conserved RdRp ORF (contig 1) and pORF1,2 contigs with contig length indicated in nucleotides. A. amphidamas and A. amphimachus were recovered from a common sequencing library; therefore, the corresponding contig 2 is not known with certainty (denoted with asterisk).
A parasite odyssey: An RNA virus concealed in Toxoplasma gondii. In: Virus Evolution, vol 10, No. 1, 2024-05-11, veae040; doi:10.1093/ve/veae040
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