Aphanomyces astaci colonization and immune reaction in North American crayfish - Pone.0195353.g002
Martín-Torrijos L, Kawai T, Makkonen J, Jussila J, Kokko H, Diéguez-Uribeondo J (2018)
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Aphanomyces astaci colonization and immune reaction in North American crayfish.
North American crayfish species showing immune responses to Aphanomyces astaci infection. Photographs of (A, B) P. clarkii and (C, D) P. leniusculus specimens. Melanin formation, visualized as melanized patches (arrows), characterizes a strong immune response against A. astaci infections on the (A) joints of a chela and (B) subabdominal cuticle of a P. clarkii specimen, and on the (C) ventral and (D) dorsal chela surfaces of a P. leniusculus specimen.
Martín-Torrijos L, Kawai T, Makkonen J, Jussila J, Kokko H, Diéguez-Uribeondo J (2018) Crayfish plague in Japan: A real threat to the endemic Cambaroides japonicus. PLoS ONE 13(4): e0195353. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0195353
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