Anhinga pannonica Regensburg-Dechbetten

Gerald Mayr, Thomas Lechner & Madelaine Böhme
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Fig 5. Fossils of Anhinga pannonica from the middle Miocene (MN 5) of Regensburg-Dechbetten near Regensburg, Germany.

A–E, Left coracoid (BSPG 2008 LI 671; holotype of Phalacrocorax praecarbo von Ammon, 1918) in dorsal (A), dorsolateral (B), medial (C), ventromedial (D), and ventral (E) view. F, Left coracoid of the extant Anhinga anhinga (SMF 9967) in medial view. G, Partial left carpometacarpus (BSPG 2008 LI 607; holotype of Ardea brunhuberi von Ammon, 1918) in cranioventral view; H, the former specimen as it was figured by von Ammon, 1918. I, referred left carpometacarpus of A. pannonica from the late Miocene of Brusturi in Romania (mirrored to ease comparisons and original labeling removed; from Lambrecht, 1916). J–P, cervical vertebra (BSPG 2008 LI 676; holotype of Botaurites avitus von Ammon, 1918) in different views (J: cranial; K: ventral [cranial portion]/right lateral [caudal portion]; M: dorsal [cranial portion]/left lateral [caudal portion]; N: left lateral [cranial portion]/ventral [caudal portion]; O: right lateral [cranial portion]/dorsal [caudal portion]); L and P are from von Ammon, 1918 and show the original condition of the bone in ventral (L) and right lateral (P) view; the arrows in K and M–O indicate the line of breakage separating the incorrectly reassembled cranial and distal portions of the vertebra. Abbreviations: car, canalis caroticus; fac, facies articularis clavicularis; fcd, facies articularis caudalis; ppc, processus procoracoideus. The scale bar equals 10 mm (the size of H, I, L, and P is based on measurements in Lambrecht, 1916 and von Ammon, 1918.
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