Alioramus skeletal steveoc

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Alioramus remotus scale diagram,

• Showing some of the known bones of Alioramus remotus (A few vertebra are also known).
• Due to the fragmentary status of Alioramus remotus this image is not entirely rigorous in proportions; it is merely to demonstrate approximate size and proportions.
• The silhouette is based on various reconstructions of Alioramus altai[1] and other tyrannosaurid reconstructions. The skull is based on a diagram by Tracy L Ford in 'The Dinosauia 2nd edition' 2004.[2] The skull length was determined by the scale bar in Tracy Ford's diagram.
• Human 180 centimetres. Scale bar and grid in metres.


  1. Brusatte, Stephen L. (2009). "A long-snouted, multihorned tyrannosaurid from the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106 (41): 17261–6. DOI:10.1073/pnas.0906911106. PMID 19805035. PMC: 2765207.
  2. Weishampel, D.B., Dodson, P., & Osmolska, H. (Eds.). The Dinosauria (2nd Edition). Berkeley: University of California Press.
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