Aerosol 1943

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Aerosol spray canister invented by USDA researchers. (identified as image: D200-2)

USDA researchers Lyle Goodhue and William Sullivan invented the aerosol spray canister, dubbed the “bug bomb,” to dispense insecticides. The design, patented in 1943, is the ancestor of many popular commercial spray products. Pressurized by liquefied gas, which gave it propellant qualities, the small, portable can enabled soldiers to defend against malaria-carrying bugs by spraying inside tents during World War II. Propellants used in these older aerosol cans have since been replaced with environmentally friendly ones.
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"Information presented on the USDA website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credits is requested."
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This image was released by the Agricultural Research Service, the research agency of the United States Department of Agriculture, with the ID d200-2 (next).
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