Admiral Sir Michael Culme-Seymour

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Admiral Sir Michael Culme-Seymour, Bart., G.C.B. is the son of one distinguished Admiral and the grandson of another; a gallant officer, who as Captain, gained the family baronetcy for winning two brilliant frigate-actions in the Napoleonic war. Sir Michael has seen much service – in Burmah, in the Russian war (both in the Baltic and the Black sea), and in China. He has been Private Secretary to the First Lord, A.D.C to the Queen, Commander-in-Chief in the Pacific and in the Channel, and now commands in the Mediterranean, where he has brought his Fleet into a state of the highest efficiency. N&AI Jan 3 1896
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Michael Culme-Seymour, 3. Baronet

Sir Michael Culme-Seymour, 3. Baronet, GCB, GCVO war ein britischer Seeoffizier der Royal Navy und zuletzt Admiral, der unter anderem von 1885 bis 1887 Oberkommandierender der Marinestation Pazifik (Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Station), zwischen 1890 und 1892 Oberkommandierender des Kanalgeschwaders (Commander-in-Chief, Channel Squadron), von 1893 bis 1893 Oberkommandierender der Mittelmeerflotte (Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean Fleet) sowie zwischen 1897 und 1890 Oberkommandierender der Marinebasis Portsmouth (Commander-in-Chief, Portsmouth) war. Er bekleidete von 1901 bis 1920 das Ehrenamt als Vice-Admiral of the United Kingdom. .. weiterlesen