Adjustable bandstick
Adjustable wooden bandstick. Two flat pieces of hardwood hinged at back and clamped together with two large screws. Gaps between pieces of wood can be adjusted by turning screws. Used to rub down the 'bands' of a book on the spine to give them a neat sharp edge. Brass name plate on top engraved with 'James Shearer'
Accession Number: hh.4719.1.88
Used to rub down the bands on the spine of a book to give them a neat sharp edge. Grooves are different widths to give them a neat sharp edge. Grooves are different widths to fit two different sizes of bands.
Edinburgh City of Print is a joint project between City of Edinburgh Museums and the Scottish Archive of Print and Publishing History Records (SAPPHIRE). The project aims to catalogue and make accessible the wealth of printing collections held by City of Edinburgh Museums. For more information about the project please visit www.edinburghcityofprint.orgRelevante Artikel
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