A hunter offering a French gentleman three 'hottentot' women

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A hunter offering a French gentleman three 'hottentot' (steatopygous) women; representing L. Sambon and R. Blanchard at an Anglo-French tropical medicine conference. Reproduction of a drawing by M.S. Orr, 1913.
The composition by M.S. Orr is based on that of a caricature by Cruikshank, "Puzzled which to choose!! or, the King of Tombuctoo offering one of his daughters in marriage to Capt." (British Museum, Catalogue of satires, no. 13043). In the original, the seated central figure is the King of Timbuktu, and the bowing guest is Captain Francis Lyon (1795-1832), the leader of an expidition to northern Central Africa. More information at the above link.
Orr adapted the drawing so the seated central figure is Louis Sambon and the bowing guest is Raphael Blanchard. The central woman is piebald in reference to Blanchard's writings on "nègres pies" (partial albinos); the Union Jack on the left is replaced by the French tricolore; and the king's bodyguard holding skulls on spears are replaced by portraits of students and professors of tropical medicine: left to right,

  • Cantlie with the head of Christophers, (The head identified as Cantlie could be J.W.S. MacFie.)
  • Manson with the head of possibly Sir William Macgregor,
  • William Orr with the head of R.T. Leiper, and
  • William's cousin James Gilchrist with the head of Ronald Ross.
The head of a man on the far left standing below the French flag is also a portrait, of an unidentified Frenchman
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