A close up of 0.50 Caliber (12.7 mm) Browning Ball M33 Ammunition loaded onto a Browning M2 HB 0.50 caliber heavy machine

N/A Department of Defense employee
1312 x 2000 Pixel (1663217 Bytes)
A close up shot of 0.50 Caliber (12.7 mm) Browning APIT (M8+M20) Ammunition loaded onto a Browning M2 HB 0.50 caliber heavy machine gun sits ready to be fired at a live firing range in the Shoalwater Bay, Queensland, Australia, during Exercise TANDEM THRUST. Note that the red tipped rounds are tracer rounds. They are every fifth, meaning they are four-to-one tracer rounds. TANDEM THRUST is a combined US, Australian, and Canadian military training exercise.
Public domain
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(c) Photo: LA(Phot) Dave Jenkins/MOD, OGL v1.0

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