
Kevin Heider @ LightBuckets
1027 x 944 Pixel (161589 Bytes)
8 minute exposure of comet 74P/Smirnova-Chernykh with a 24" telescope. Comet 74P was 3.6 AU from the Sun and had come to perihelion (closest approach to the Sun) on July 30th, 2009. Even as 74P recedes from the Sun, you can see signs of a cometary tail extending towards the upper right in this image taken at 2010-01-25 12:15 UT. The galaxy PGC 49413 is visible to the lower left of the comet.
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This image was taken by Kevin Heider using LB-001 at LightBuckets in Rodeo, NM
Raw image from telescope
Use Wikisky and enter coordinates 13 53 57.72 -04 46 19.6 to locate this region of the sky.
Skyview (NASA Virtual Telescope) website / Skyview image (centered on where the comet is)

Aladin image of this region
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74P/Smirnova-Chernykh ist ein periodischer Komet in unserem Sonnensystem. Er wurde Ende März 1975 von Tamara Michailowna Smirnowa und Nikolai Stepanowitsch Tschernych am Krim-Observatorium entdeckt. Auf Bildern seiner Entdeckung hatte der Komet eine scheinbare Helligkeit von circa 15. Im Jahr der Entdeckung, kam der Komet am 6. August 1975 an sein Perihel. .. weiterlesen