
Kevin Heider @ LightBuckets
715 x 619 Pixel (30537 Bytes)
2 minute exposure of asteroid 52 Europa (bright star to lower left of E) with a 24" telescope. Europa is apparent magnitude 11.7 in this image taken at 2009-09-22 11:15 UT. (Astronomical twilight would be at 11:45 UT with sunrise at 13:15 UT.) To the lower right of Europa is HD 39395 at apmag 8.3 and to the lower left of Europa is HD 248796 at apmag 8.8. Both of these stars are over exposed resulting in the white streaks. To the upper right of Europa and HD 39395 is TYC 1312-2824-1 at apmag 11.3 (comparable to the brightness of Europa.)
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This image was taken by Kevin Heider using LB-001 at LightBuckets in Rodeo, NM
Raw image from telescope
Use Wikisky and enter coordinates 05 53 08.51 +16 21 43.8 to locate this region of the sky.

Skyview (NASA Virtual Telescope) website / Skyview image (centered on where 52 Europa is on the wiki-photo)
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(52) Europa

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